Beyond Basics

In this section we go beyond rabbit basics and into more in-depth knowledge. We’ll cover topics such as rabbit breeding and how to care for babies rabbits.


Breeding Bunnies


breeding rabbitsHow to Breed a Rabbit…

The basics of rabbit breeding is a relatively simple process (they are bunnies after all, they want to reproduce). Here is a quick…



Couple of rabbitsWhat if My Rabbits Don’t Want to Mate…

Sometimes your little furry friends just don’t seem to be figuring it out on their own. Well, we’re here to help…



Baby Bunnies in NestPregnancy, Birth and Baby Rabbits…

So you’ve be successful at breeding your rabbits and have worked thru any problem that came up during that process – now what? Well, here is a timeline…



Baby Rabbits



Newborn baby bunnyNewborn Baby Rabbits – Boy they’re Ugly…

When you get your first litter of baby rabbits (also called “kits” in the rabbit world) you’ll be excited to pull back the fur over the nest and check them out. Baby rabbits are born with…


Baby and Mama BunnyHow to Pick up and Handle Newborn Baby Rabbits…

Some people will tell you that you shouldn’t touch a baby rabbit or the mother won’t come back and feed them. While this is true for…



Litter of Baby BunniesNewborn Baby Rabbits, Watch Them Grow…

Being there to watch your new litter of baby rabbits grow is some of the most fun time in any rabbit breeder’s hobby. Keep reading for a list of the key…

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